Wednesday, 13 December 2006



We’ve all seen the thousands upon thousands of advertisements that offer full time incomes from our home office. Often time they deal with things like reselling, multilevel marketing, and programs which require huge down lines and a long term plan of action before the money starts to roll in.
Online jobs are a dime a dozen. Good online jobs and work from home opportunities aren’t quite so plentiful, but they are not as rare as you may think either. The successful work at home programs are blowing apart the work a day world by storm and people from every walk of life are getting in on the action. Transitioning to a work at home position is not out of reach if know what information to hone in on and how to capitalize on that information.

By now, most of us have heard of mystery shopping and we think we have a pretty good idea of what it is. Some of us even thoughts about it, maybe even purchased one of those $29.99 deals that promised we’d be rolling in money within a few short weeks but never really explained how we were supposed to do that. Frustrating.
Mystery shopping is a work at home job that allows you to set your own hours, be your own boss, experience people, and often walk away with free merchandise as well as a paycheck. An average person can actually earn a full time income from mystery shopping.
Mystery shoppers are regular men and women who are paid to secretly evaluate various aspects of businesses. Often a trip to a restaurant, a shopping trip at the mall, or a night out at the movies is not only reimbursed, but the time it takes is paid for as well. This is the basics of mystery shopping, and the industry is growing by leaps and bounds every year.
For the company a mystery shopper provides invaluable advice. Often a company can tell if management is doing the job they are supposed to, if customer service is serving the customer, and the overall quality customers have when visiting the establishment. Few things drive away business as fast as a poor experience dealing with staff or quality. People want to feel as though they received a good value for their money. An establishment with poor service is never a good value.
So far it sounds like a good job from home. For those who don’t think working at home really suits them because they are concerned about not having enough outside contact with people, this job is the perfect solution. But of course you are wondering how does anyone get a job from home like this?

First, let’s approach working from home jobs with the right attitude. Actual J-O-Bs from home are extraordinarily rare. That would be the circumstance most people already have without having to leave their home and go to another building. They have a boss, set wages, set timeframes for working, and limited vacation. If they want a raise, they have to ask for it.
Working from home more often means none of those things truly apply. You are in control of your time. If you want more money, you work more. If you need a vacation or an emergency day off, you take it. Working from home means that you are the boss, in most cases you can consider yourself an independent subcontractor.
So now that you are ready to work for yourself and be in control of your own time, consider whether mystery shopping is right for you. It comes with pretty good pay if you land enough jobs. Just like any situation that will free up your time and put you in control, you will need to have an aggressive streak about you. These jobs are available but you need to go after them. Nobody is going to call you up and ask you if you would do them a favor and come be their mystery shopper for the day. Jobs do go quickly, but an individual who is dedicated to being successful can do it as a mystery shopper

Many of us are already mystery shoppers, we just don’t have anyone to give our opinion to and we aren’t receiving paychecks for it. But we do know when we are receiving a good value for our money. I have been so appalled at service in restaurants that I have left a measly twenty five cent tip with a note that the service was horrible.
Beyond knowing a good value when you see it, a secret agent shopper has to be quite observant. Can you walk into an establishment and have a good working knowledge of what their shelves should be stocked with? Do you notice when there’s enough dust covering merchandise that you’d prefer not to buy it anyway? The ability to pay attention to these types of details could make you a very valuable mystery shopper.
You also need an impeccable memory. You can’t be seen wandering around the store fingering the merchandise and then writing in a little notepad. It is vital that the store you’re evaluating doesn’t know that it’s under evaluation. Of course they are going to pay attention to you and make sure you’re finding everything just fine if they suspect that you are going to tell their boss something about them. You are going to have to remember the details at least until you are in the privacy of your car.
As a professional shopper working from home, you are going to have to present yourself as a professional. If you are giving a negative report about a salesperson, make sure you know their name, or a very clear description of what they look like. Most receipts come with some sort of identifiable marker on them, such as an actual name but more often a coded number. By the way, though it is seldom mentioned it is also equally important to know the names or descriptions of exceptional employees when making a positive report.

So now you have a pretty good understanding of the job and what is basically expected of you and now you are ready to begin shopping for money. There are a few things that you need to be aware of before you plunge out into the world of cyberspace and hit the search engines.
Nothing of value comes for free. While there may be one or two floating around out there, I certainly have not found a mystery shopping employment guide that comes without some amount of nominal cost. Not all of them are worth the postage we used to have to put on the envelope to mail them the check. Before you whip out that credit card, take a moment and get some good advice.
My favorite place for everything mystery shopping and everything work at home is this great website I found with all kinds of information I didn’t even know I needed. Slip into your browser and hit go. This website will help you every step of the way in finding the right work at home opportunity and the right mystery shopping experience for you. Their articles are informative and straight laced.
The All Work at Home Guide is like having a business partner who doesn’t ask for a share in your profits. They have all the fabulous information you need to not only make decisions about working at home, but give you tips to succeeding, staying focused and fresh, and even a few money saving tax tips.
The All Work at Home Guide has links to sites that can give you what you’re looking for. I went to check out the link to their mystery shopper affiliated program, but the best part was I didn’t have to purchase anything blind. The whole thing had already been explained to me in the article. There’s nothing more frustrating than purchasing an empty promise and realizing they were careful with their words to illustrate one thing that really meant something else. None of that here. Just straight forward point blank information.
It can be wonderfully exciting, and maybe just a little bit scary, to become your own boss. The limitations are now only set by you, and the possibilities are also set by you. Working from home as a mystery shopper can be a rewarding and lucrative experience. Most people find that once they start they don’t ever want to try anything different. After all, every day already is something different.
So welcome to the world of secret agent shopping. You are in for an adventure that you simply can’t get with any other job. Just don’t do it alone. Stop by regularly for supportive details to help you succeed.

Bobby Ryatt

Monday, 11 December 2006



Bobby Ryatt
Working at home is one of those interestingly debated hot topics that bring out numerous views from various people. For some, it’s a pipe dream. They throw literally thousands of dollars away on work at home opportunities they can never quite get off the ground. For others, it’s a sign of laziness. There are those who believe that the only way to provide a stable and rewarding life for one’s family is to leave the house and go to a job. For others, it’s second nature, those who realize that by working at home they end up having much more control over their lives and their income.
Seven out of ten people working outside the home would rather find a telecommuting position that allows them flexibility, financial security, and time control. Mothers in particular find they desire a position at home since they are reluctant to leave their children in a daycare situation that requires the bulk of their paycheck to begin with. Coming home to work would provide them an income and the ability to raise their children rather than working for the sole purpose of paying the day care they resent.
The work at home industry has taken hold of this transitional notion and it is impossible these days to run an engine search without finding plenty of “opportunity,” but few jobs. Those who find their niche and are able to bring their work into the home are the envy of their former coworkers, neighbors, family members, and friends.
What does it take to start a work at home business or find legitimate work at home jobs? It takes a few key ingredients. The provides a myriad of those ingredients to assist the prospective business owner in discovering their potential.
Work at home programs that are already in existence are both the easiest to home office start up and the most difficult. Most of the programs that claim to already have a system in place and if you follow the steps you too will find yourself with a healthy income. For the most part that is true. What makes them difficult is that exact fact, you have to follow the system in place. For some people this is an excellent opportunity, one easy set of directions to follow and learn and they are in business. For others, the simple set of directions may be cost prohibitive or they believe they have a better way.
It is nearly impossible to start working at home in with a work at home program without any start up costs. There will at the very least be a need to advertise. Without advertising there is no reasonable way to allow the in place systems to go to work for you. While there are many programs that you can promote without placing any advertisement on the internet, internet advertising is typically the preferred method over cold calling, warm contacts, or cold contacting.
There is an element in safety in the anonymous nature of internet businesses. People trying to start a business feel less vulnerable without face to face contact. Sales, network marketing, and multilevel marketing can be intimidating experiences to those who have no experience. The internet offers the ability to conduct business without the harsh judgments often found in the brick and mortar world. There is limited exposure and little chance to reveal prejudicial facts like race, obesity, skin conditions, or physical disability which might otherwise impede a person’s perceived abilities.
The All Work at Home Guide website offers a plethora of information ranging from work at home tips to business opportunities to advice on finding the jobs at home that will pay the bills and then some. The hand selected articles create an even and informative template to learn from those already putting the principles of working on the home front into practice. It’s an exciting environment from seasoned professionals and work at home moms and dads to enlighten the potential and the existing home entrepreneur.
Working at home provides an exciting opportunity to create your own work environment and manage family details beyond what time to pick up the kids at the babysitter. Working at home provides the flexibility to combine parenting and work, even flexible vacation periods. It rids the needs for sick days and penalties for taking time off when it necessary. Most work at home companies, whether they are a business opportunity or a telecommuting employer provide work on a subcontracting basis. When you work or build your business, you get paid. The same, of course is true in reverse.
The work at home revolution is changing the core of many businesses. Often, it in the company’s best interest to outsource its work to employees they don’t have to insure, provide standardized workspace for, or even deal with employee conflicts. There are companies however, that have complained that finding reliable telecommuting employees has been a difficult challenge. Often the hiring process involves an internet application followed by a phone interview. They find their turnover rate to be rather high for those who attempt to work at home. This is caused by many individuals not realizing they lacked the self discipline required to achieve a reasonable income from home. For those people who are rather disciplined and can provide the services that telecommuting companies require, they will find themselves in high demand and quite probably able to achieve a higher take home income than they did in the brick and mortar industry.
Those who work at home report finding their time more under their own control, and most report having fewer days off related to health issues. Without having to report to an office or workplace where they come in constant contact with outside germs, people who work at home are generally healthier and happier individuals. They report having the flexibility to attend their children’s school functions, provide a consistent environment for their family, and have even reported the occasional play day. They are also quick to remind their work on site counterparts that when they choose to take some time off, they are then required to “make up” the work or the time missed.
While most will admit that working at home is easier than on site employment, they often find that there is an attitude amongst work on site counterparts that they do not “work” at home. Just because the laundry is completed during the day and dinner is cooked and ready on a consistent basis, work at home employees are still putting in a full day of work in the home. contains informative articles and tips for combating this particular syndrome. There are in depth recommendations and suggestions for staying “fresh” in the workplace and maintain the ever necessary creativity required to keep working at home stimulating.
The home to work revolution is expected to increase by at least 25% per year for the next five years. It is speculated that only 3% of that increase will be from employers allowing their employees to transfer their current job duties to their home office. That leaves 22% of the working population who will either start a home based business or locate alternative employment options. This also leaves about 22% of the current workforce that needs onsite replacement employees.
College students, stay at home moms and dads, the disabled, and the chronically ill are the top wage earners who removed themselves from the conventional workplace and have endeavored into the home office environment. It is stated that people who fall under these categories are typically more motivated to keep themselves earning a paycheck from home than single people without children or those who have their physical health. Having a motivating factor keeps them more on task and focused and more able to make the adjustment to working from home. is a resource directly aimed at those who are seeking methods of improving not only their odds of staying in the at home work force, but bettering their skills as well. The self motivated home worker that has multiple methods of skill development is in turn more hirable and more likely to maintain their home office.
As a person joins the working at home revolution, it is absolutely vital to keep themselves goal oriented, content, and fresh. There are numerous resources on the All Work at Home Guide webpage that can inspire and educate the at home individual as well as keep them abreast of the latest trend shifts in the industry. Naturally, keeping on top of work at home trends means more money at the end of the month.
There is an absolute minefield of websites out there who claims to have all the answers to facilitate the new work at home entrepreneur, of course for the low cost of a monthly fee for information that only promotes their product or service. How refreshing it is to find a website that is capable of delivering real information from real contributors to assist with real issues the home worker faces.
Please visit to read more articles like this and browse through our resource center to find some real opportunities.
Bobby Ryatt